למד עוד

Manufacturers and Importers – Provisions of the Law

Who is classified as a manufacturer according to the law?

A manufacturer is anyone who manufactures packaged goods or packaging materials.

In the case of packaged goods, manufacturers are not only those who produce the goods themselves, but also those who produce through another company (private label).

Who is classified as an importer according to the law?

An importer is any party importing packaged products or packaging materials.

What are the main obligations of manufacturers or importers according to the Packaging Law?

Under the Packaging Law, manufacturers or importers must enter into an agreement with a recognized body for the purpose of complying with the above provisions, and cover all the costs of the recognized body with which it is entering into an agreement.

There is an obligation to report the number of packages sold, on dates set in the Packaging Law, and in accordance with the reporting format set forth in the Packaging Law and by the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

Manufacturers or importers must recycle packaging waste in compliance with the rules set forth in the Packaging Law.

Who is classified as a small manufacturer?

A manufacturer who produces less than 1,000 kg of packaging per year is a small manufacturer. Small manufacturers can either engage with a recognized body or report directly to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and inform them of their small manufacturer status.

Handling Fees

According to the provisions of the Packaging Law, every manufacturer or importer to which the law applies is obliged to enter into an agreement with a recognized body and to cover all the costs of the recognized body equally. The financing of such costs is called "handling fees."

Tamir has hired the services of an independent and objective economist who prepared a financial model for determining the handling fees based on the types of materials in the packaging. The model takes into account all the costs required to collect the materials, sort them and recycle them. The financial model and the handling fee calculation are reviewed every year by an external economist.

The total amount of handling fees for each manufacturer or importer is calculated based on the weight of each type of packaging material reported to Tamir. The handling fee is intended to finance the sorting, collection and disposal of packaging waste as determined by the local authorities, the recycling of all packaging waste, information and education activities to increase awareness to waste sorting among the public, and Tamir's fixed expenses.

It is important to note that the obligation to fund the sorting, collection and disposal for packaging waste as performed by local authorities is set forth in the Packaging Law.

The Obligations of Manufacturers and Importers as Places of Business under the Packaging Law

The Packaging Law requires every manufacturer or importer to meet the recycling targets defined in the law for the packaging of the products they sold or imported that year in the local market. Tamir works to meet the recycling targets for every manufacturer or importer that has signed an agreement with it. Therefore, by entering into an agreement with Tamir, you are obligated to comply with this legal provision. If packaging waste accumulates in your yard or place of business, you have an additional duty beyond your duties as a manufacturer or importer. These are the provisions imposed on places of business under the Packaging Law.